"Talking book"
- An audiobook is a recording that is primarily spoken word. It is often based on a recording of commercial printed material.
- Audiobooks are word for word readings of a book.
- History - United States - In 1931, Congress established the talking-book program, which was intended to help blind adults who couldn’t read print.
- Recent technology has encouraged the proliferation of free audiobooks that take works from the public domain and enlist volunteers to read them.
- Audiobooks in the private domain are also distributed online by for-profit companies.
- Audiobooks have been used to teach children to read and to increase reading comprehension. They are also useful for the blind.
- Audio books are considered a valuable learning tool because of their format. One can learn from an audiobook while doing other tasks.
- The most popular general use of audiobooks by adults is when driving an automobile or traveling with public transport, as an alternative to radio.
- Learning: People may listen to an audio book (usually an unabridged one) while following along in an actual book. This helps them to learn words that they may not learn correctly if they were only to read the book. This can also be a very effective way to learn a new language.
_summarized from wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audiobook
Berdasarkan kenyataan-kenyataan dan konsep diatas sayugianya diperbanyakkan penerbitan buku audio bagi buku-buku kefahaman Islam sebagai satu medium menyampaikan risalah Islam yang memberi rahmat kepada sekalian 'alam (rahmatan lil-'aalamin). Semoga kita sama-sama dapat melakukan usaha ini.
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