Ramadan in Belgium

In the Name of Allah, and peace and blessings be upon our Prophet who has no successor.

Ramadan Unites Muslims

Pray Anywhere … Just Pray
The Great Mosque of Brussels (which is also the seat of the Islamic and Cultural Center of Belgium) does not accommodate all worshippers 

During the first 20 days of Ramadan in Brussels' mosque, the number of worshippers ranges between 2500 and 3000. But this number rockets to over 5000 persons during the last ten days of Ramadan. 
Picture: Muhammad Syafiq, 
Ex-KISAS SPM 2005. Insya-Allah
if got extra rezeki will go to Belgium.

one of the challenges that face Muslims in a European country like Belgium is the short period between `Isha' (evening) and dawn as the fasting hours here ranges from 15 to 16 hours. This fact represents a real dilemma for Muslim businessmen and students due to their daily life activities.

Real Jihad
The working hours in Belgium during the month of Ramadan are similar to the normal daily working hours; there is no clear help for Muslims during such holy days.

In these cellars, the temperature and pressure are unusual, which led all workers to become so thirsty that everybody working there has to drink at least one and half liter of water during the working hours. Now all of us can imagine the suffering and jihad of a fasting Muslim working down there, especially with long fasting hours in this country.

In Ramadan, mosques in Belgium provide all comers with iftar and sahur everyday.

Month of Mercy
It is during this holy month that efforts coalesce to help others. Mosques in Belgium provide breakfast and sahur (meal before fasting starts) daily to all comers.

Belgian Muslim Activities
  • The activities undertaken in Belgium during the holy month of Ramadan include the following ones:
  • Giving daily religious lessons after the five Prayers
  • Delivering daily lectures before `Isha' Prayer in both Arabic and French
  • Delivering weekly lectures in French and Dutch on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, for example, in Brussels' Center
  • Performing Tarawih Prayer
  • Performing the Tahajjud Prayer (optional late night Prayer) starting on the last ten days of the holy Ramadan in groups of men and women.
  • Collectively vivifying Laylat Al-Qadr (the Night of Power). Muslim families gather together to thank and worship Allah in His pure place of worship and in a spiritual atmosphere abounding with faith, security, and peace. Every family brings in what it has prepared of food or sweets during the day. So, all people celebrate this evening, which is better than a thousand months. Then, they have their sahurand remain there till dawn breaks. After that, everyone heads to his or her destination.
  • Running cultural and religious competitions for the community members in addition to Noble Qur'an contests, the winners in all the competitions are prized on the blessed Laylat Al-Qadr.

The Brussels Center distributes the holy Qur'an and religious books in different languages to properly introduce Islam, and to disseminate its tolerant teachings to all people. In this way, they will understand Islam well.

The month of fasting witnesses the embracement of Islam by many people: Belgians or of other nationalities. Moreover, some non-Muslim groups come to listen to the recitations of the noble Qur'an and to see the congregation of such countless number of women, men, and children. We should not forget how eager the young people are to perform i`tikaf (spiritual retreat in the mosque) following the sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).


Imam Al-Banna berkata tentang tsabat:

“Hendaknya seorang akh. Menjadi orang yang aktif dan selalu berjuang di jalan menuju Nya; sekalipun masa yang ditempuh masih panjang hingga bertahun-tahun dan berabad-abad lamanya; sehingga dirinya berjumpa dengan Allah dalam kondisi demikian sedangkan ia mendapatkan keberuntungan pada salah satu dari dua kebaikan; mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan atau mendapat syahadah hingga akhir.

Allah berfirman: “Di antara orang-orang mukmin itu ada orang-orang yang menepati apa yang telah mereka janjikan kepada Allah; Maka di antara mereka ada yang gugur. dan di antara mereka ada (pula) yang menunggu- nunggu dan mereka tidak merubah (janjinya)”. (Al-Ahzab:23)

Menurut kita, waktu ini akan sentiasa berjalan, walaupn jalan sangat panjang, kejayaan masih jauh dan banyak rintangan menghadang, namun intinya adalah bagaimana kita dapat menuju satu tujuan disertai dengan ganjaran yang besar dan pahala yang berlipat ganda dari ALLAH, maka tidak ada kata henti dari PERJUANGAN ayuh terus kita merobohkan benmteng kezaliman”.